2023年 年頭所感

2023年 年頭所感

株式会社FLIGHT TIMEは2020年11月の設立以来、多くの局面に直面してきましたが、多くの方々の支えによりここまで来ることが出来ました。
また、2022年末にはカナダに新たな法人「FLIGHT TIME CANADA ENTERPRISES INC.」を立ち上げるなど、舞台はいよいよカナダへ移りつつあり、ブリティッシュコロンビア州政府の力添えもあり、着々と事業の準備は整いつつあります。

New Year’s Message for 2023

Happy New Year!
We are pleased to have successfully completed the year 2022, and all of us at FLIGHT TIME are looking forward to a new year ahead.
Since its establishment in November 2020, FLIGHT TIME, Inc. has faced many challenges, but we have been able to come this far thanks to the support of many people.
We would like to take this opportunity to once again express our gratitude to our investors, related institutions, and others who have continued to support us on a daily basis.
The year 2023, the third year since our establishment, will be an important year for us as we aim to go public in 2026. Our goal is to build a strong and transparent organizational structure by establishing a stable management and financial base through governance management and aggressive fundraising.
Japan is now in its fourth year of the Corona disaster, and the chances and the opportunities that Japanese people and Japanese companies have lost so far are immeasurable.
We have proven our speed and ability to execute better than any of our competitors by constantly researching global trends and immigration restrictions with a fine-tooth comb.
This is an indication of our company’s strength in action, and we will continue to use our “ability to act” and “ability to execute” to expand globally.
In addition, the stage is finally shifting to Canada, as we launched a new corporation, FLIGHT TIME CANADA ENTERPRISES INC. in Canada at the end of 2022, and with the support of the government of British Columbia, we are steadily preparing our business.


これから更に躍進する株式会社FLIGHT TIMEを何卒よろしくお願いいたします。


This year, we will establish a strategic advantage by building a business model that is impossible for other companies in our industry to imitate, using the capabilities and weapons that we have.
The pilot shortage, which has become a global problem, has been serious. Other countries are already experiencing critical pilot shortages, and Japan has made various efforts to compensate for the pilot shortage, but none has been successful, and the pilot shortage continues to worsen.
One reason for this is the old-fashioned, unreasonable, and inefficient training.
In addition, the social nature of pilots has also been discussed in recent years, leading to a number of serious aircraft accidents.
Our philosophy of “Training world-class pilots” and “Solving the problems facing the airline industry” is based on the belief that we can solve these problems from the root, and each and every one of our staff members works hard every day with this belief in mind.
We have the “Power to change” and the “Ability to change.”
We believe that the Japanese and the industry’s constitution to fear of change will not be able to save the airline industry in the future, and that new initiatives will create a “True aviation society.”
We look forward to your continued support for FLIGHT TIME INC. as we make further strides in the future.
